I <3 Rush Limbaugh

As much as I love stirring the pot with sarcastic headlines in my Tumblr and Blog.com, this is an honest one. So, if you’ve clicked on this in hopes to see me obliterate another ignorant talking head from the right-wing media, or to criticize the immorality of another left-wing liberal, go away. Because I actually ❤ Rush Limbaugh.

“Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.”

“Everything about the left is perception, manipulation, and lies. Everything. Everything is ‘Wag the Dog.’ Everything is a structured deception.”

“Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud.”

“Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”

I know what you’re thinking—how could someone who seems as far left as me favor a guy who says stupid stuff like this?
You’re thinking, “Is this a joke? This guy’s a no-brained Tea-bagging gun nut who thinks liberals are the devil.”
“This guys is such a racist, and is so sexist! How could someone so supportive of human rights and equality like a dumbass like this?”

Well, here it is: Rush Limbaugh is the most well informed, talented no-brained Tea-bagging dumbass in the right-wing media.

Take a second to step back a realize what it is this guy does:
Rush has a 3 hour show each weekday. Each show he does, he practically talks the entire time. Without stopping, and with minimal notes. He has an agenda,  but what he does isn’t on script. So every week, he does around 15 hours of straight talking. He is also fantastic at not being redundant during every show. He consistently talks and moves the show along by himself, with something new to say EVERY day. Aside from all the BAD quotes we’ve seen from him (stuff we’ve seen on the internet, instead of actually LISTENING to his show), here are some quotes I’ve written down from him, and others I’ve read that I’ve found to be sharable among lefties who hate his guts:

“This is a frightening statistic. More people vote in ‘American Idol’ than in any US election.”

“No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity.”

“The future is not Big Government. Self-serving politicians. Powerful bureaucrats. This has been tried, tested throughout history. The result has always been disaster. President Obama, your agenda is not new. It’s not change, and it’s not hope.”

“United States foreign policy, which includes national security, is literally disintegrating before our eyes.”

Whether or not we want to admit it, Rush is a real smart guy. Sure, he says some stupid things. He’s wrong about what liberalism is and what Democrats want, and about homosexuality and immigration, and he REALLY needs to get a grip on the stupid shit he says about feminism and race. But, out of all the right-wing media sources, he reports on stories not many others are brave enough to do. The man talks for almost three straight hours, and is part of his own research team. He calls out the bullshit, even when it’s the Republicans fault. For instance, he resented hammered Ted Cruz for his poor representation of the Republican Party:

He holds peoples feet to the fire, and is great at direct questions being presented. I enjoy listening to what he has to say in the morning, and that’s no joke. On my list of political commentators, he’s on my top 5.

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