I <3 Rush Limbaugh

As much as I love stirring the pot with sarcastic headlines in my Tumblr and Blog.com, this is an honest one. So, if you’ve clicked on this in hopes to see me obliterate another ignorant talking head from the right-wing media, or to criticize the immorality of another left-wing liberal, go away. Because I actually ❤ Rush Limbaugh.

“Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.”

“Everything about the left is perception, manipulation, and lies. Everything. Everything is ‘Wag the Dog.’ Everything is a structured deception.”

“Women should not be allowed on juries where the accused is a stud.”

“Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”

I know what you’re thinking—how could someone who seems as far left as me favor a guy who says stupid stuff like this?
You’re thinking, “Is this a joke? This guy’s a no-brained Tea-bagging gun nut who thinks liberals are the devil.”
“This guys is such a racist, and is so sexist! How could someone so supportive of human rights and equality like a dumbass like this?”

Well, here it is: Rush Limbaugh is the most well informed, talented no-brained Tea-bagging dumbass in the right-wing media.

Take a second to step back a realize what it is this guy does:
Rush has a 3 hour show each weekday. Each show he does, he practically talks the entire time. Without stopping, and with minimal notes. He has an agenda,  but what he does isn’t on script. So every week, he does around 15 hours of straight talking. He is also fantastic at not being redundant during every show. He consistently talks and moves the show along by himself, with something new to say EVERY day. Aside from all the BAD quotes we’ve seen from him (stuff we’ve seen on the internet, instead of actually LISTENING to his show), here are some quotes I’ve written down from him, and others I’ve read that I’ve found to be sharable among lefties who hate his guts:

“This is a frightening statistic. More people vote in ‘American Idol’ than in any US election.”

“No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity.”

“The future is not Big Government. Self-serving politicians. Powerful bureaucrats. This has been tried, tested throughout history. The result has always been disaster. President Obama, your agenda is not new. It’s not change, and it’s not hope.”

“United States foreign policy, which includes national security, is literally disintegrating before our eyes.”

Whether or not we want to admit it, Rush is a real smart guy. Sure, he says some stupid things. He’s wrong about what liberalism is and what Democrats want, and about homosexuality and immigration, and he REALLY needs to get a grip on the stupid shit he says about feminism and race. But, out of all the right-wing media sources, he reports on stories not many others are brave enough to do. The man talks for almost three straight hours, and is part of his own research team. He calls out the bullshit, even when it’s the Republicans fault. For instance, he resented hammered Ted Cruz for his poor representation of the Republican Party:

He holds peoples feet to the fire, and is great at direct questions being presented. I enjoy listening to what he has to say in the morning, and that’s no joke. On my list of political commentators, he’s on my top 5.

Obamacare: The Logistics


Well, the Health Care Exchanges have opened, and citizens are now free to begin signing up for the newly implemented ObamaCare; and, according to the Republican Party, all hell has broken loose. Millions of uninsured citizens are getting healthcare insurance, and it is indeed the Apocalypse as we know it.

As we’ve all heard, the exchanges are exactly as convenient as everyone would like them to be. As of now, less than a dozen people have successfully signed up for ObamaCare in Alaska. According to surveys from CNN, Huffington Post, and other sources, the top three complaints about the Healthcare Exchanges seem to be:
1. I can’t log in
2. My personal information is incorrect

3. It’s too expensive

Due to these issues with the exchange, Republicans are all over Obama and his Negro Army. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) says “It’s the battle of our time.”

Rep. Louise Gohmert (R-Texas) says “They’re holding a gun to America’s head!”

As we can see, the Republican Party is sending out a distress signal, an SOS, if you like.

According to the Republican Party, we CANNOT accept this form of *SOCIALISM* (quivers) that dares attempt to trample the value of American democracy in such tyrannical proportions.

So, what do I make of this whole catastrophe? We aren’t seeing enough opinions on Obamacare yet because half of America still can’t signup, and the opinions and experiences out there are saying that this Affordable Care Act isn’t as affordable as it says it is. How about we take a look at what a governor of a state that has SUCCESSFULLY signed up a large portion of its people for Obamacare. Below is a video from CNN featuring Governor of Kentucky Steve Besheare, followed by Republican count woman Renee Elmers commenting on Steve and Obamacare. Take a look.



Now, before I address what I think about all this, I’d like to direct your attention to a comment in the comment section of the video:


brianstacync 4 hours ago
from a moral standpoint? that KY governor is a dickskr. is it moral to steal from millions of KY citizens to pay for 640k other deadbeats healthcare?
is it moral to take thousands of dollars out of the family balance sheet of millions of KY citizens to pay for the deadbeats healthcare

fuck you Steve Beshear

I just have to say, I find this comment very…interesting, especially coming from a Republican. 
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I distinctly recall Republicans making a point of opposing things such as abortion, and contraceptives, and premarital sex, all because they are pro-life? I mean, according to Sarah NoBrains, we have a moral obligation to care for the old, the young, the sick…basically those in need. People who sit on their lazy asses should NOT be dependent on the government, and it is up to THEM to get coverage, not the American people. 

This is where I have a problem with Republicans ragging on about Obamacare. And not just Obamacare, but Universal Healthcare in general. The idea that people should all dip into a pool of money dedicated to insuring everyone, including those who are normally denied under private insurance, is considered down-right socialism by most conservatives. Here’s a quote for ya:  “We should not have a government program that determines if you’re going to pull the plug on grandma.” —Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Aug. 12, 2009

How about this one: “The answer for healthcare is market incentives, not healthcare by a Godzilla-sized government bureaucracy.”- Mitt Romney


Again, correct me if I’m wrong, but these Republicans are indeed pro-life. These Republicans who advocate for an embryos right to life because it’s not up to us to determine whether or not it gets a life to live, or because life is sacred and given to us by God, and all that hullabaloo.  

Here’s the real shpeel on our Health Care system in America: In 2009, the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) gave our health care system a D. Why? 
Let’s take a look at the facts: 

A study by the Journal of Patient Safety says that up to 400,000 US citizens die due to a preventable medical error. That means that an easily treatable disease or illness was not addressed by a health care provider. Why? Lets look at some more facts:
Under most private health care providers, patients with pre-existing conditions are denied health care coverage. Sure, they are legally able to be admitted to the ER, but a few simple bills from an uninsured patient at the ER can rack up tens, even hundreds of dollars in debt within a few years. People with medical complications such as heart disease, or even arthritis, are denied health coverage. Don’t think there’s many in that situation? According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, there are roughly 130,000,000 Americans with pre-existing conditions. While not ALL of those Americans are denied health coverage, health providers may offer or negotiate a different plan, always more costly and with fewer benefits. 

On top of all THAT, 45,000 deaths each year are linked to not being able to attain good health care.

So, at the point, people actually DIE because they either can’t afford the expensive costs of health care, or because health coverage is denied to them. 


There are some of the facts. I could go on about the flaws on our United States Health Care system, I really could. 
So now, here’s what I think of all of it: Obamacare, everything. 


I think Obamacare is crap. 

Yep. It’s crap. Obamacare is possibly the most embarrassing model of universal healthcare out there. Why?
I think the first thing wrong with it is that nobody knows whats in it. Hell, we all heard her first: “But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it….” The fact that the Senate, the House, Congress, or the SC didn’t read the 20,000 page health care reform bill that we need DESPERATELY to actually FIX our health care system, is awful. 
I can attest to “the Affordable Care Act” being the least bit affordable. Most Americans are now paying a substantial amount MORE than they were before. The fact that Americans who are already paying high costs for health care are now paying even more makes no sense at all. The smallest packages, like the Bronze packages, also have ridiculous deposit rates. Not only are things more expensive, but the quality of health coverage being provided is worse than people with minimal coverage on private insurance. 

On top of that, I think that the government is having too much to do with running it all. Looking at other countries who have successfully implemented Universal Healthcare, there is an excess of governmental involvement in Obamacare. I think there needs to be more Medical Advisory to all of this. It’s ruining the practice of medicine. Studying medicine now is becoming a practice looked down upon by doctors, as according to many, with the incoming health care reform, it is not a promising practice. 


As for the idea of universal healthcare in general, I absolutely support it. 100%, all the way. I strongly believe that everyone should have a form of health coverage, and that absolutely nobody should die because they are denied coverage due to a  pre-existing condition, or because an easily curable disease was un-addressed because someone cannot afford coverage. We’ve seen it work since the 1940’s, and we’ve seen it work successfully. If we had a universal health care model like other countries have, we’d pay a universal tax of around 2,000 dollars. Many other sources say between 1,200-1,400, but after adding up everything, it’d be around a total of 2,000 dollars a year. From there, we could have free clinics—which have already been implemented in places like Washington, and work great when ran properly. A combination of the two would do our health care system off MUCH better than it is now. 

Having said that, these Republicans who claim universal healthcare is this awful socialist agenda meant to steal money from hard-working citizens to fuel their own selfish greed can go kiss my ass—they’re thinking of Social Security. Any Republican who claims to be “pro-life”, and does not advocate for a health care system that disables insurers from allowing human beings to die due to no health coverage, is a hypocritical bigot, in my opinion. All this research I’ve done, and the little facts I’ve presented (that are well enough a presentable amount that should easily open any human being with common sense’s eyes) is a few hours of simple Googleing and reading. I’m sick of all these brain-dead Tea-baggers who refuse to actually fact check and look things up themselves. I’m tired of them preaching the unconstitutionality of universal healthcare; for all I’m concerned, denying human beings health coverage should be unconstitutional.